
Monday, May 21, 2012

The GPS/GIS Song

I was thinking of ways to make my future classes fun and engaging when I remembered I have been doing this ever since I was a student. I have been making seemingly difficult topics easier to understand. How do I do it? With something I believe I am good at: Music!

I wrote a song (Read more to see lyrics) when I was assigned to present / report about GPS (Global Positioning System) and GIS (Geographic Information System) in my GE1 subject. Mind you, this is a college class and it still clicked. :) Too bad, I don't have a video of me singing it.

The GPS/GIS Song 
(to the tune of Beautiful Girls)

Stanza 1
I remember when
I was travelling alone
I got lost in the woods
I thought that I was gone
But then I found my GPS receiver
I look up the sky
And found a clearer view
And then I turned it on
While looking at my map
Voila! It tells me my exact location

I was easy to find
With just four satellites
And a clear view of the sky
Make sure you turn it on
You'll be surprise
It tells you your position

You won't be lost anymore
GPS is here to help
It tells you where you are, where you go
How fast you were going
All you need is G-P-S
signal and four satellites
You will know your position, and direction
When you check your receiver

Stanza 2 
I got all important data
From travelling all week
All my worry now
Is how to make it clear
Someone told me that
GIS is the solution
It georeference with flair
Coordinated x and y
Identify, pan and zoom
There's a lot more
And then for fun
You can see it in 3D viewer

Refrain 2
It is easy you see
Just add the contours
And add the parcels
Convert to graphics
Create new features
Impress your GE1 teachers

Chorus 2
This system is for you all
Put its map service to the test
It provides you raster data, feature classes
Buffering analyses
You'll be amazed by GIS
It's database is prepared
Macros calculating, maps overlaying
For you to see everything

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